Friday, June 12, 2009

Medieval Wedding

When I type "Medieval Wedding" into my Google search bar, the first items are some images. One of which is this impressive gem of a medieval wedding shown above. For more information on this impressive event (including some neat ideas for invitations) check out this article.

One of the first links to information about Medieval weddings and their history is a site called Marriage during the Middle Ages. It's a helpful tidbit of info, but they don't site anything. Their website instead encourages visitors to do their own research to back up the claims they put forth. Of course I believe that people should do their own research to gain different perspectives, but scholarly articles have a bibliography for a reason. It was just a bit annoying to someone who enjoys history and learning.

The next helpful link is aptly called Medieval and Renaissance Wedding Page. This page has all sorts of information on it and it includes a bibliography (yay!). It was created by Kirsti S. Thomas who is also a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. The SCA, for those who don't know, is also an excellent place to look for historic wedding ideas. ANYWAY! the Medieval and Renaissance Wedding Page seemingly contains loads of information about clothing, food, music, and even a discussion on the validity of handfasting. However many of the links are broken, which is a real shame. That can be a bit of a setback for anyone researching Medieval and Renaissance weddings online.

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